

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New blog address

As all of you know who are here, my blog address is "newadventures08". At the prompting of a friend, I think I should change the title. Since I only got recommendations from one friend (thanks, Jess!) I'll just have to come up with something on my own. I did like some of Jessica's suggestions, but they just didn't quite seem right - except for cindycindybobindy. ;-)

So, change the address in all your favorites to "".

I'll see you all there!

January 4

So, the new year has come and I feel, remarkably, slightly prepared for it! I know the things I didn't get done last year that I'd like to tackle this year. I know the personal issues I need to keep working on. I know the direction my life is going. Seems pretty good!

I start this new year very thankful for my life, for so many things about my life. I am exceedingly thankful for my parents, how they raised me, the life the showed me was possible. I am thankful for my husband - he is precious to me and I adore him! I am thankful for my sisters, all of whom I love and miss whenever they are away. 

I could go on and on, but I won't. I'll just keep making little lists every now and then. 

Happy new year, everyone!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I must say I am relieved that the holidays are over. Even though everything I did was quite lovely, it will be equally as nice to get back to my routine. Perhaps a more accurate statement is that it will be very nice to discover and maintain a routine for at least the first few months of this new year. I'm reading a book on simplifying your life and am going to make a life map - writing down all that I do, the things I don't get done, and things I wish I had time for. I'll then prioritize them according to what I actually do. How do those 2 things stack up against each other, where do I need to make changes, and how can they be accomplished? We'll see if it helps. I have many more minutes in a day in which I could be productive, and I have lots of stuff I'd like to do that will be fun and be good for me! I'll give it a try. 

P.S. I think I've just about got pie crust figured out even in this dry climate of ours. My last few crusts have held together and been wonderfully flaky. Yeah! A small victory.

Friday, December 26, 2008

New blog title?

All right, everyone. I guess I might as well ask since I can't seem to think of something clever on my own. I think I need a new blog url as my adventures aren't really new anymore, and it isn't 08. Any great ideas? I have a few OK ones, but nothing wonderful, so post your comments, and I'll see if something catches my eye. The one that would be most intuitive for me is already taken, so I'll leave it in your capable hands. xo!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

I rose to join the glorious morn 
whose calm and splendor would adorn
the virgin mother's infant born
this blessed dawn of Christmas day.

I pray one day my heart will see 
the light of God's eternity,
and know that Jesus died for me.
Now close my eyes, so I may rise,
as blessed dawn of Christmas day.

Christmas day has come and is almost gone. Another year's worth of love, fun, friendship, food, gifts, gatherings, and joy has passed over the threshold to my heart. I am full of love. I am full of joy and thankfulness for my life - the peace in which I am blessed to live, the family I have, the husband I adore. Christmas day for me is about faith, peace and quiet, family, tenderness and laughter. I close my eyes thankful for another day spent in the midst of those things.